Saturday, September 8, 2012

Composure Regained

After the fallout of my diet for those few weeks, I jumped back on the train. I made better choices at food and started my day off everyday this week with oatmeal. Except for one day at ihop when I got an egg white omelet and turkey bacon! Btw, I don't think Ihop cooks their turkey bacon all the way. I like it crunchy and theirs seemed a little floppy for my tastes... But anywho, lost the five pounds I had put back on and am now down 15 from my original weight of 160. Very happy with my results this week. I've been sick the past few days and haven't made it to the gym except for a brief jog/walk with my daughter yesterday. My goal is to lose 3 lbs next week and kick up the exercise intensity and quantity. Gotta keep the steam engine rolling! Nothing tastes better than skinny!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm Back!

So Ive been gone for a little while.  Just been busy lately!  I have been so so on the diet.  Been good on the gym.  Been going to the gym probably 4-5 times a week.  My meals have been about 60% good, 40% bad. I need to up my game.  Im down approximately 15 pounds since my initial post.  Im happy with my results but after putting together my before/after pics tonight Im a little disappointed.  So Im posting them to put some fire under my ass and tell myself "Get it together Jordan!"  I need to work on staying on track with the diet and I think I will notice a bigger difference in my muscle tone and leaness.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Update- 15 lbs. down!

So I've been off and on with my diet lately. Gym has been better than diet. I would say 80% of the time I eat on my diet and 20% off. But I've continued to lose weight. Here is my weight now, down from 160+! Wow! 145 lbs. is the lowest ive been since having been pregnant with Mia 5 years ago! (If you don't know I'm also 5'8".) Don't mind the toenails, my 4 year old painted them! Lol

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week 7

So I kinda took off for the past two weeks, eating, exercising, yea it wasn't happening...
I wouldn't say I went all out, but I just did OK.  Some days I did perfect, others I did terrible.  I didn't gain any of my weight back (shewww) but I didn't exactly lose any either!  Here are my update pics. I didn't throw them in photoshop with beginning photos because 1.) Takes too damn long 2.) I didn't have my usual spot I take my photos at due to us moving our office upstairs in the loft.  And I couldn't balance the camera on a leather chair very well, making the pics lopsided! 3.) I probably don't look too much different than my last update!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Like the best stuff ever. My late night snack. A new Peanut butter with cinnamon, raisins, and peanuts. Yum-diddly-umptious

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Long time no see!

So it has been awhile since I posted. I've been so busy with birthdays, weddings, and working lately I haven't posted in a week or two! I wasn't 100% on my diet last week but I picked it up and got on track Tuesday. I have worked out everyday since Monday and even started doing cardio in the mornings in addition to my weight lifting. I've kinda just maintained my 10 lb weight loss over the past couple weeks but I expect to lose next week since I started adding in the cardio. A Results picture will be up tomorrow and I will get back on it!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 4 Results

Been kinda lacking on the blog this weekend.  Had a lot of events going on.  These pictures were taken Friday morning.  Lost 2 lbs. for Week 4 for a total loss of 10 lbs.  My measurements were taken Thursday.  Lost 1 1/2 inch around my waist and a 1 1/8 in. around my hips, legs stayed the same which I think is me just retaining the muscle.  A whole month and Im doing good.  Now to just make it through this month!  If I have the same results as last month, I will be ecstatic!